girl looking out the window

Chosen, this word comes with a heavy price and blessing at the time. You start to think about why? And am I ready to take on this responsibility? Or What is necessary to fulfill this purpose? So many questions while feeling the pressure. From where you dig out the trust and strength to accomplish this commitment, a fire ignites within you and the words of your mentor comes to mind, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing.” Yes, once again, your trusted mentor’s words ring in your ears and, all of sudden, you are reminded where your strength lies to influence the chosen nation. 

What if when you gather the strength and courage for such duty, you are not welcome?

Not welcome?

  That’s right! What if you have the ideas, skills, strength, courage, and the hunger to change the future of a nation, but you are not welcome? Sometimes the nation is being processed as well and not ready to accept the sent blessing. Additionally, you first need to be gracefully broken to endure the journey. Gracefully broken, what do you mean by gracefully broken? Spiritually speaking, it’s when your flesh is so broken by grace that you walk by the spirit than by your flesh. It’s when you receive rejection, criticism, and backlash but you must keep in mind to stay humble to learn from these experiences. Also, you have been given the assignment to fulfill, and you must keep this in mind, “I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.” This is a valuable statement to easily digest when you are seeking guidance.

standing in the hallway

But the journey is the essential tool to produce the fruitful reward: backlash, rejection, negativity, doubt, fear, anger, and confusion. These conditions build the character you need to embrace your given purpose. 

girl standing in paz beach

When you are not welcome, don’t take it personally because you must keep your mission in mind. Another thing to keep in mind is that not everyone is assigned to your journey. So come to add a dose of pain to break you further, some come as a blessing to gear you toward your goal, and some come to share the harvest with you; these types are rare but must be carefully selected. The key to keep in mind is rejection from your own, which is what you need to be gracefully broken for your God-given purpose. Stay strong to the end to fulfill your purpose while you are being gracefully broken.

Stay strong to the end to fulfill your purpose while you are being gracefully broken.

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